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1、大红灯笼门前挂,灯笼里边点红蜡。烛光映出灯谜巧,开智猜谜人笑倒。合家欢乐闹元宵,其乐融融乐滔滔。 Red lanterns hung before the door, the lantern point red candle inside。 Candle lantern riddle against qiao, intellectual puzzles people laugh。 Family the yuanxiao, harmony of flood。

2、The fifteenth full moon shines on Kyushu, and the people of all ethnic groups travel happily. Power and prestige gongs and lions dance, and stilts and yangko twist hard. Concentrate on the lanterns, and the fun of riddles leaves people behind. You can't miss sweet dumplings without paying attention to them. Wish you joy in Lantern Festival!


4、鼠年到了,愿你的人生幸福甜蜜,快乐智慧。祝你元宵快乐!The year of the rat is coming. May your life be happy, sweet and wise. I wish you a happy Lantern Festival!

5、Lantern Festival is sweet and happy.

6、白白的元宵,滚滚的圆,吃在嘴里香又甜。 White Lantern Festival, rolling round, eat in the mouth sweet.


8、天上月儿圆,地上人团圆,事事都圆!花好,景好,心情更好!祝愿你和家人元宵节快乐!Infants round on the sky, the ground people happy, everything is round! Take good, scenery is good, the mood better! Wish you and your family a happy Lantern Festival!

9、午夜人散尽,花好月圆家人团圆,群灯吐艳你最“好”。寄去相思和祝愿,网中情缘愿梦“圆”。 Midnight people cleared spending a good family reunions group of light beauty you most "good" Send acacia and wishes the net love to dream "circle"

10、汤圆福圆,人亦圆圆,财亦圆圆哦。元宵节快乐! Tangyuan f round, people also yuan yuan, yuan yuan also oh. Happy Lantern Festival!


12、赏一轮明月寄托相思之情,品一个汤圆尝幸福的甜蜜,放一颗烟花欢庆太平盛世,发个短信送一片真心祝福;祝元宵节快乐! To admire the moon reposing lovesickness of love, a sweet dumplings taste happiness, put a fireworks celebration of the new millennium, send a text message to send a sincere blessing; I wish a happy Lantern Festival!

13、汤圆福圆,人亦圆圆,财亦圆圆哦。元宵节快乐! Tang Yuanfu yuan, people are also round, wealth is also round oh. Happy Lantern Festival!

14、快乐的元宵之际,谨致我的想念与祝福。Happy Lantern Festival, I would like to miss and blessing.

15、Let sweetness surround you and good luck care for you.

16、The Lantern Festival is warm, and I wish you the same. May your life be brighter than the spring flowers and your career be rounder than the moon.


18、心要让你听见,爱要让你看见,不怕承认对你有多眷恋;想你的时候,月圆的季节,祝你今夜好梦!Heart want to let you hear, love to let you see, not afraid to admit how sentimentally attached to you; When thinking of you, the month circle of the season, I wish you a good dream tonight!

19、元宵节之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐!The Lantern Festival, wishing you a song in your heart, happy New Year!

20、喜迎元宵,送您一轮圆月!寄去祝愿,明月生辉度佳节!愿新的一年里,事事顺心!但愿人长久,千里共婵娟! Celebrate yuanxiao send you a round full moon! Sending you wishes bright moon brightness degree of the holidays! May the New Year everything! Life I wish people for a long time!

21、笙歌一曲唱佳音,人也圆圆心也圆圆。Shengge a song to sing good news, people are also round, the center is also round.


23、The moon is full, with my countless thoughts.


25、I wish you a happy Lantern Festival and a happy family!


27、Wishing you peace, joy and happiness and everything all the best through Lantern !


29、You are not stuffing my face for a big Lantern Festival; you lights as I was for a big paper lanterns; your situation I would like to IP Festival! Happily闹lanterns!

30、Wish you a happy Lantern Festival, happiness and everything goes well!


32、一年一度元宵白,一年一度元宵霜。圆圆白白报元夜,瑞雪连连兆丰年。 Yuanxiao is white, annual annual yuanxiao cream. Yuan yuan all be submitted to the rice glue ball, snow a bumper harvest.

33、喜迎元宵:日圆,月圆,团团圆圆!官源,财源,左右逢源!人缘,福缘,缘缘不断!情愿,心愿,愿愿随心! Celebrate yuanxiao: the yen the month circle the pandas! The official sources financial resources both ways! Popularity humble the geopolitical fate! Rather wish wish to do!

34、元宵到,祝愿你:春风春雨春常在,好花好月好年景! Yuanxiao, wishes you: often in spring, the spring breeze spring rain well spend on good times!



37、愿你生活最如意,前途光明最得意,祝你元宵快乐。 Wish you the best in your life, bright future and most proud, I wish you a happy Lantern Festival.


39、正月十五月儿圆,真挚祝愿送身边;正月十五元宵圆,愿你来年好运连;正月十五人团圆,欢声笑语幸福年;正月十五心愿圆,祝你吉祥如意年! The fifteenth day of the moon is round, sincere wish to send around; The fifteenth day of the yuanxiao round, wish you good luck in the year; The fifteenth day of the people happy, laughing and happiness; The fifteenth day of the first wish round, wish you good luck!

40、如果无聊,你就来找我。包出温馨与美好,包出事业步步高。 你是艰难困苦时坚定的信念,鼓舞我勇往直前,你是事业腾飞时理性的劝诫,警醒我要踏实肯干,有你是幸福的甜,温馨的美满,真心的道声祝福,我的合作伙伴。


42、午夜人散尽,花好月圆家人团圆,群灯吐艳你最“好”。寄去相思和祝愿,网中情缘愿梦“圆”。 Midnight people cleared, spending a good family reunions, group of light beauty you most "good". Send acacia and wishes, the net love to dream "circle".




46、心愿,情愿,祝您理想天随人愿! Wish, wish, wish your ideal will go with the people!


48、元宵佳节,愿你福相伴,乐逍遥!The Lantern Festival, I wish you happiness and happiness!

49、月有阴晴圆缺,人有离合聚散,今宵月儿圆又圆,想你的心甜啊甜,佳节自有佳人伴,元宵夜唯君叫我最思念! Month waxing rain or shine with clutch together tonight the moon round and round want to your sweet sweet the season has its own beauty company yuan snack wei jun is the most I miss!



52、元宵节到了,我给你做个夜宵:欢乐菜,团圆汤,开心饭,福汤,外加四个热腾腾的元宵,写的& ldquo得到你想要的& rdquo包,你吃牛年吉祥,合家团圆!

53、The Lantern Festival is round, the family is happy, and the New Year's dream is more round.


55、三五良宵,花灯吐艳映新春;一年初望,明月生辉度佳节。35 night, lanterns' reflected the spring; A at the beginning of this year, the bright moon brightness degree of the holidays.

56、让汤圆,粘住幸福跑不掉,粘住快乐一整年。 Let Tangyuan, stick happiness can not run away, stick happy for a whole year.



59、Happy Lantern Festival! May your money: "rat" be better than "rat"!