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Failure is simply an opportunity to start again, this time more intelligently. 失败只是一个重新开始的~~你是否对这些句子很感兴趣呢?以下由编辑为大家精心整理的“励志英文霸气简短句子精选”,更多相关内容请继续关注本网站。

1、The voice in your head that says you can't do it is a liar.告诉你做不到的声音是一个谎言。

2、Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.永远不要停止学习,因为生活永远不会停止教育我们。

3、The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.实现明天的唯一限制将是我们今天的疑虑。



6、The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.

7、Dream big, work hard, and stay focused.梦想大,努力工作,保持专注。

8、Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds.

9、You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.你不必伟大才能开始,但你必须开始才能变得伟大。

10、The biggest risk is not taking any risk.




14、I would rather die of passion than of boredom.

15、Don't wait for fate to guide you, make your own luck.不要等待命运引领你,创造自己的好运。


17、Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success. 你的积极行动,再加上积极思考,最终会引发成功。

18、I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

19、If you're going through hell, keep going.

20、The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time you fall. 生命中最伟大的荣耀不在于从未倒下,而在于每次失败后重新站起来。



23、It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.

24、Believe you can and you're halfway there.相信你可以,你已经成功了一半。

25、If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.

26、Failure is simply an opportunity to start again, this time more intelligently. 失败只是一个重新开始的机会,这次更加聪明。