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无论什么时候都要保持一个好心态,可以把我们认为励志说说分享到朋友圈去,一句励志的话,可能会使没有信心人重拾信心。那你所知道的励志句子有哪些呢?在这里,你不妨读读名人名言人生格言励志, 希望对你有所帮助,动动手指请收藏一下!


1、Life is a canned, courage is a can opener.

2、It's the easiest thing in the world for a man to deceive himself.

3、Again long way, step by step, also can go through, again a short road, do not stride feet can't reach。

4、The law of success very simple, but simple doesn't mean easy。

5、Perfection of human character the, the establhment of the wealth the last。

6、People don't want to climb tend to decrease.

7、When you understand forbearance, you win the future.

8、Let our fathers and garandfathers be valued for their goodness,ourselves for our own. 让父亲和祖辈因他们的善行受到尊重,让我们因我们自己的善行也受到尊重。


10、Speak with contempt of none,form slave to king,the meanest bee,and will use,a sting. 别用言词贬低任何人,无论国王还是奴隶。最卑戝的蜜蜂也会用它的毒针蜇人。


12、Too much desire is easy to numb, to know how to be content is the happiest.

13、Everyone will fall, just keep lying down or stand up.


15、Ronghua or Qingkui, like the first time of tea, must not be poured.

16、Do not worry about the poor, do not aspire to wealth.


18、Ordinary simple dream, we used the only adhere to the belief to support the dream。



20、May your life be like drinking tea, fragrant happiness, happy quiet good, good morning.


22、If thou injurest conscience,it will have its revenge on thee. 伤害良心,将受到良心的严惩。 If thou wouldest live long,live well;for folly and wickedness shorten life. 若欲求长寿,生活须行善,因为蠢行和邪恶会把生命缩短。


24、Who judges best of a man,his enemies or himself? 谁能最恰当地评价一个人,他的敌人还是他自己? You may be too cunning for one,but not for all. 蒙骗得了一人,但蒙骗不了所有的人。


26、Its really hard to make do with it. When you meet someone you like, you want to take it for yourself.

27、Tight, easy harvest; loose, empty handed.


29、To be grateful for bad, let oneself with a soft heart inclusive world。 The most powerful soft heart。

30、 勤勉的人,能把万物化为黄金。

31、Two heads are better than one. (一人不及二人智;三个臭皮匠,胜个过一个诸葛亮。) Wise men learn by other men's mistakes; fools by their own.

32、Tall mankind are beholden to him that is kind to the good.

33、Will only fantasy and not a man of action, never also experience the joy of harvest。

34、It is more difficult to be lenient to others than to be strict with oneself.

35、Calamity and prisperity are the touchstones of integrity.

36、Learn alone without friends, the uncultured and smell.

37、Punishment is justice for the unjust.

38、一个有坚强心志的人,财产可以被人掠夺,勇气却不会被人剥夺的。—— 雨 果 32 信仰是伟大的情感,一种创造力量。—— 高尔基


39、Lost your embrace, lonely in the side of ridicule.

40、Let oneself learn every day, some progress。


42、The sting of a reproach,is the truth of it.

43、After that, I will keep walking.

44、Serious people, the most pitiful, moving people, the most pathetic.

45、Dont sigh for yesterday, just for today.

46、Indomitable willpower can conquer any peak in the world!

47、Reading good, but you have to remember that book a book, however, have to their ideas。

48、It takes all sorts to make a world.


50、Give time and everything will pass.

51、Vomiting and diarrhea a day, only half a bowl of porridge, waiting for full blood resurrection.

52、黄金诚然是宝贵的,但是生气蓬勃、勇敢的爱国者却比黄金更为宝贵。—— 林 肯 37 理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向,而没有方向,就没有生活。—— 托尔斯泰

53、One of the most striking and salutary thing in Ameican life is the widespread study of law.

54、Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.

55、People who understand me dont have to explain. People who dont understand me need to explain.

56、Like minded, the world is close; seemingly close, close to the horizon.